TSTE06 Digital Filters
TSTE06 Digital filters teaches the basics of the design and implementation of digital filters.
Course topics
- Discrete-time and digital signals and systems
- Approximation theory, Butterworth, Chebyshev-I, Chebyshev-II and Cauer-filters
- Frequency transformations
- Synthesis of IIR and FIR filters
- Wave digital filters
- Systems with several sampling frequencies, decimation and interpolation
- Finite word lengths effect
- Computational properties of recursive DSP algorithms
- Implementation of digital filters.
- Course director and lecturer: Håkan Johansson
- Assistants: Daniel Perez Herrera
Course material
- L. Wanhammar and H. Johansson: Digital Filters Using Matlab, 2013
L. Wanhammar: Tables and Formulas for Analog and Digital Filters
- Supplementary material: Solutions to the problems, material for the labs
- Basic courses in circuit theory and linear systems.
Information for enrolled students
For detailed lecture, tutorial, and lab plans, see the study room in Lisam: