TSKS23 Projektkurs i signalbehandling, kommunikation och nätverk CDIO
The projects offered in this course are closely related to the ongoing research within the divisions of Communication Systems and Information Coding or to companies working in these areas. The contents of the projects are changing from year to year. The project members are using and applying knowledge and methods from other communication and data analysis related courses.
Like all other CDIO project courses at LiU, this course is given within the framework of the CDIO Initiative, and the project work is done according to the LIPS project management model. The course consists of two parts that run in parallel:
The project work (9 ECTS credits), given by the examiner Danyo Danev together with the supervisors, the sponsors, and experts that are specified in the project directive.
Entrepreneurship (3 ECTS credits), given by Magnus Klofsten et.al. at IEI.
This project has been performed during HT21 - Detection of static and dynamic indoor enviroments.
All other course material needed or recommended for the projects is specified in the respective project directive documents. Some important clarifications of how to work according to the LIPS project model:
Each project has a sponsor, who makes decisions about the project at tollgates (TG), reads status reports, etc.
The sponsor decides which student will be the project manager/leader for the respective projects.
During an initial phase, the project group must write a requirement specification, a project plan, and a system drawing. These documents must be approved by the sponsor at tollgate TG2 in order for the project to continue.
All necessary documents that must be written and delivered are specified in the respective project directives. Templates (for Word and Excel) for all documents can be found on the LIPS templates web page.
Each project group is supported by one or more supervisors and a number of technical experts. The respective project directives specify how many hours these resourses are available.
When you need to meet with your supervisor or an expert, you must first ask the supervisor/expert for an appointment, so that he or she is not busy when you see him/her.
The project documents and protocols at the tollgates are used by the examiner to decide whether individual students should pass or fail the course.
In the end of the course, each project group will orally, and in the form of a poster, present the results of the project and experiences from the afterstudy.
One introductory lecture
An “Introduction to LIPS” lecture by Kent Palmkvist (advisable to attend).
Lectures for the entrepreneurship part
Information for enrolled students
For detailed lecture, tutorial and lab plans, see the course room in