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TSKS35 Information and Communications Engineering
TSKS35 covers concepts related to the representation and processing of information and communication systems. We addresses the fundamental limits and methods for compression, modulation, transmission, error protection and storage of information.
Course material
Main course book:
- John G. Proakis and Masoud Salehi, “Communication Systems Engineering,” second edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
Recommended reading:
- Erik G. Larsson, “Signals, Information and Communications,” LiU press, 2024.
Lecture content
Lecture 1: Introduction to communication systems (Chapter 1).
Lecture 2: Frequency analysis of signals and systems (Chapter 2).
Lecture 3: Random signals and noise (Chapter 4).
Lecture 4: Analog transmission and reception (Chapter 3 and 5).
Lecture 5: Information sources and source coding (Chapter 6).
Lecture 6: Digital transmission through the AWGN channel (Chapter 7).
Lecture 7: Digital transmission through bandlimited AWGN channels (Chapter 8).
Lecture 8: Probability of error for signal detection (Chapter 7 and 8).
Lecture 9: Channel capacity and coding (Chapter 9).
Lecture 10: Wireless communication (Chapter 10).
Lecture 11: Practical aspects.
Lecture 12: Sustainability aspects.
- Course director and lecturer: Diana Osorio
- Assistants: Yuhang Deng and Dexin Kong
For this course, students are suppose to have a basic understanding (previous undergraduate courses) in signals and systems, or linear systems both continuous and discrete. Working knowledge of Fourier Series and Fourier transforms. A basic course in probability theory and programming sills.
Information for registered students
For detailed lecture, tutorial and lab plans, and course material, please follow this link: -