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Ph.D. program

The division of Communication Systems offers graduate education leading to to the degrees of Tekn. Lic (licentiate) and Ph.D. (teknologie doktor) in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Communication Systems. The program consists of two parts: a course curriculum and research that leads to a dissertation. The research topic should be within the broader area of communication systems. To be admitted to Ph.D. program, students must have a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering or equivalent. Typically, a Tekn. Lic. degree takes 2-3 years and a Ph.D. degree takes 4-5 years. Ph.D. students in the division are employed by the university (monthly salary) and spend 80% of their time on research and 20% on departmental duties (mainly assisting with undergraduate and master level education).

The division is currently in an expansive phase and we are recruiting Ph.D. students. For more information, contact Prof. Erik G. Larsson.


For both the Ph.D. degree and the Licentiate degree, a thesis must be authored, published and publicly defended. The work with the dissertation normally takes place within one of the research projects in the division. The material in the dissertation should normally have been published in internationally renowned journals and conferences.

Graduate courses

Graduate courses are offered in various forms, either as regular classes, in seminar form, or as individual courses for self-study. The examination may be written, oral, or consist of homework.

Ph.D. courses typically give between 6 and 12 ECTS credits each. The required minimum number of course credits are

Courses are selected individually for each graduate student. The basic principle is that the courses should give a broad and adequate theoretical basis for the research leading up to the thesis. Students are encouraged to take courses in related topics, e.g., mathematics and statistics, machine learning, control theory, electronics, computer engineering, and electromagnetic engineering.